Idea: A web site where you can interact with a real dog virtually via a webcam, and also control robotics to feed the dog, pet the dog, and play with the dog (such as by throwing a ball). Possible customers include lonely elderly people, people in hospitals, people who are allergic to dogs or live in places where dogs aren't allowed, people in public (traveling or at work or school) who need to relax, etc. Also: emotionally blackmailing customers with pictures of sad dogs if they stop using the service; using footage of the dog in a "Black Mirror"-like scenario to create a robot with the same personality as the dog; themes or scenarios, such as a Scooby Doo robotic ghost adventure
Joel Fragomeni (Podcast Joel Radio)
Sai-D (Twitter: @saidee27)
Matti Yaari (Facebook: @myaari)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)