Creativity Wasted Podcast

Matti Yaari

Kale for the Homeless

Food, CharityMatti YaariComment

Inspired by a standup comedy premise that kale tastes so bad that hungry/homeless people wouldn't take it, the idea is a charity that gives raw kale (and only kale) to the homeless. It'd supply nutrients that the homeless don't get from handouts on the street (snacks, fast food, food from street vendors), assuming that we can convince the homeless to actually eat it. Also: questioning whether it would be charity or torture; the homeless could pad their coats with the kale or burn it for warmth; homeless people struggling to eat kale without gagging might inspire sympathy from passers-by who might therefore give more donations; could we teach the homeless in the US to grow their own food in community gardens like the homeless do in Vietnam

CW101 Kale For The Homeless.png
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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast Joel Radio)
Sai-D (Twitter: @saidee27)
Matti Yaari (Facebook: @myaari)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)